Wednesday 15 February 2012

2 Different Books Vs Myself

My past it not my concern anymore.
I wish I can say it one fine day. Trying so hard to build again the dreams of my life..but this time around, I want to make it as reality. I know it is time consuming and I can't force the nature of it.  But at least..I wanna try.  Boost up the speed of letting go my past.

2 Books are my besties now. Bought it last year, but didnt have a chance to finish it. Yes, because of the thousand commitments that I signed.  Classes to attend, assignments to submit, exams to sit, working hours, daily self and housework routine, family affairs..bla..bla..bla..24/7.
With that, I managed to read just several chapters..chapter 3 out of 10. It is only several sheets from the cover. Same goes to the other one.

I know that I bought a very great books.
Reading makes my soul full..Piece of peace that I need to award it to myself regularly now.

Forgiveness: How To Make Peace With Your Past And Get On With Your Life

Climbing Out Of Depression

See, I have told you.
I actually own a very great books. Promise to heal myself and get motivate by it because I am a walking wound now.
So pathatic.

Will share it from time to time.

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